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Life of a Teacher

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Being a teacher is more than just a job; it is a calling that involves fostering the development of young minds. I have experienced a number of turning points in my career in education that have influenced how I view the true meaning of teaching. One such event was participating in the three-day "Life of a Teacher" program, where I lived the life of a teacher.

Completing the "Life of a Teacher"

The three days spent immersed in "Life of a Teacher" were a rigorous and insightful three days. It was an intense workload that included everything from creating lesson plans to controlling the dynamics of the classroom to monitoring student development. Even though it was difficult, the results were incredibly satisfying. I gained an appreciation for the commitment and passion needed for teaching after having a taste of what a teacher's everyday life is like.

Transition from Block 1 to Block 2

Making a comparison between my Block 1 and Block 2 responsibilities was a major reflection point. In Block 1, as a new teacher, I was still getting used to the classroom setting and adjusting to the wide range of needs of my students. By Block 2, I had gained more self-assurance in my position and a better understanding of efficient teaching methods.

Challenging Activities and Overcoming Them

Keeping discipline in the classroom was one of the most difficult tasks I had to perform. It was difficult to deal with behavioral problems while preserving a supportive and effective learning environment. I overcame this obstacle, though, by setting clear expectations for my students and cultivating a respectful and trusting relationship with them. A key factor in controlling and enhancing classroom behavior was maintaining open lines of communication with parents and students.

Self-Evaluation Survey and Improved Competencies

A crucial component of my professional development as a teacher was examining the findings from my self-evaluation survey. Lesson planning, classroom management, and communication are just a few of the areas where I saw progress. I was able to apply theory to my teaching, improve my techniques, and focus on my areas of weakness through the "Life of a Teacher" experience. It gave me a concrete indicator of how far I have come in my quest to become a successful teacher.

Comparing Mentor Teacher Feedback

Making a comparison between my initial self-evaluation and the mentor teacher's final remarks in the School Assessment Log & Report opened my eyes. It emphasized my areas of growth as well as my areas for improvement still remaining. My professional development was greatly aided by the constructive criticism I received from my mentor teacher.

To sum up, I would say that my journey as an educator was greatly impacted by the "Life of a Teacher" experience. It gave me insight into a teacher's day-to-day activities and enabled me to assess and enhance my competencies. I will apply the knowledge I gained over those three days to my future teaching endeavors, always aiming to provide my students with the best instruction possible.


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Goitseona Michelle
Goitseona Michelle
Oct 31, 2023

I really enjoyed reading this, you explained everything in detail and it shows that you are ready to be a teacher

Goitseona Molefe


Tamara Brand
Tamara Brand
Oct 31, 2023

I enjoyed reading your blog so much!! I am glad to see your growth and how you are developing as a teacher. Well done!


Oct 31, 2023

Embarking on the rollercoaster of teaching life with you through your blog is like diving into a kaleidoscope of inspiration! Your stories unfold like chapters in a captivating novel, each filled with the vibrant hues of your passion and commitment. Teaching isn't just a profession for you; it's a canvas where you paint futures and inspire dreams. Looking forward to more chapters of your extraordinary journey!"

Omphile Nkambule -St10118326

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